Stephanie Duggan's Biggest Morning Tea

Hosting my 1st year

In honour of my Husband, Ben

Update on Ben

Thank you to our Family, Friends, Colleagues and associates!

Sadly Ben lost his battle with cancer on the 7th of May. Ben passed away peacefully in the presence of our two oldest children Jackson and Isabella, his brother Tim and myself. We were surrounded by him watching beautiful and funny videos of our wonderful guy, he had a tear roll down is face and took his last breath. The moment that Ben chose was equally beautiful and awful in the one moment. 
Ben had made me one promise right at the beginning of his diagnosis, that he would fight to the very last breath - this he held true! 
Ben was the ultimate hero, he was loved by all that he knew.
I am grateful that he chose me to love and that he chose me to spend a life with.
I am extremely saddened that our fairytale has come to an end, however our dreams and adventures that we had planned I will fulfil.

I am truly grateful to all those who have donated, you are definitely changing others lives!

I am hosting a morning tea in honour of Ben

Hi friends and family, as some of you know and sadly some of you might not yet know, my darling Ben was diagnosed with cancer in May 2023, just before Isabella’s 13th birthday. With his 1st anniversary of fighting this god awful disease I have decided to host a Biggest Morning Tea to raise much needed funds, awareness and support for those affected by cancer, whether you are suffering personally or know of someone or even if you have experience cancer in the past. 
I am hosting a Biggest Morning Tea on the 23rd of May at our Sleep Doctor Store in Campbelltown at 10 am. I would love for you to attend and help me raise funds and support for not only people like Ben, but those much needed funds go to support loved ones like myself and our children. The funds raised from this event will not only help my family, but will assist other families, providing supplies for cancer units, provide funding for nursing staff and much more! 
My goal is $500, however I would like to see it reach over $1000.
I hope you can support not only Ben and I but others like us who are in need!
Hope to you all on the 23rd of May!

Much love!
Steph x

Support my Biggest Morning Tea

Join me at my Biggest Morning Tea or donate online to help me reach my fundraising goal! Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.

So far this year I've helped provide:



kids with
a SunSmart




calls to trained
cancer professionals
on 13 11 20




days of a PHD
student’s world-class

My achievements

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Royal Tea

Thank you to our Supporters


Candice T

A bit late donating but better late than never! Ben you are truly missed and the world just isn't as funny and cheeky without you in it!!!! xxx



Ben made a huge positive impact whilst working in our family business that will continue for many years to come. RIP Ben and our condolences to the whole Duggan Family.



Rest in peace Ben 🙏


Stretchlab Campbelltown

Condolences to The Duggan Family Thinking of you all From the team at Stretchlab Campbelltown 🌹


Katherine Farrugia


Luke Brewty


Paul Mackin

Miss you so much mate. RIP


Jess Mackie


Accountcorp Group Services

Your strength and courage during Ben's battle has been nothing short of amazing. Wishing you and your family all the best.


Elume Pty Ltd

Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time xx


Alister Robertson


Martin Pierre

A great cause and I know it will be a success. Well done Steph.



Oprah once said, "Where there is no struggle there is no strength". Through you and your conversations, you are shaping the beginning of all future change. Such a profound privilege, testament to the Duggan family values.


Hayden Harrison

thinking of you Duggan’s, an amazing mentor for many years never forgotten memories


Sharan Brenchley



No message or words can make you feel better Steph but please know that you and your gorgeous family have been in our thoughts. Here's hoping more research is done to prevent this from happening to others and their families. May Ben fly high and continue our to guide you and and your children. Sending all our love during this difficult time. The Mangan's xx


Toni Watts

In loving memory of a beautiful human, Ben for my Aunty Gere fighting the battle and all those who have fought and will fight. To their families and friends who support and cheer them along. Xx


Matthew Jones

❤️ forever loved xx Matty and Neisha


Karen Lavell

Hi Steph, Thinking of you, sending love to your beautiful family including my dear friend Wendy & Al


Helena Wivkert

Dear Stephanie & family, Not much I know but hopefully together with wonderful initiatives like this we can try and beat this terrible disease together. Muck love💕 Helena & Robert


Jason Petty


Sharon Washbourne

My old Domayne crew. I'm thinking of you all. Fight with all your might Ben, give it the old soccer boot and kick its ass. Wishing love, hope and stregth xo Shaz




Daniel Febo


Jermaine Mamo

All the best for the morning tea. Wish I could be there to support you but I'll be thinking of you all. Keep fighting Ben! You got this bro!!


Tracey, Jez And The Boys

We love you guys xx here for you always ❤️



Sending you guys lots of love x


Dean Bordignon

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.


Guy And Liz


Renee And Marty

Thinking of you all and sending lots of love


Louise And Bob Neilson

Good luck and best wishes to you all


Jenny B

Sending you “buckets” of support Ben x


Graham Foley


Tanya Hennessy

Love you guys xxx


Paul Macri


Beatrix Gabriel

Sending love, light and healing xxx


Francine Bushby

I would love to share in the biggest morning tea with you but unfortunately can't. Please accept my donation. Thinking of you all and praying that Ben gets through this with his fighting will! Love Fran, Dan and family xx


Natasha O’reilly

Thinking of you all and sending you all big hugs and positive thoughts. Stay strong buddy 💪💕


Scott Meehan

I wish I could be there to share morning tea with you all but unfortunately I can't make it . Please accept my donation . Ben is one of the first people who welcomed me and made me feel welcome at Harvey Norman. You are all in my thoughts at this time. Sending you all of my love and strength 💪 ❤


Gordon Sneddon

Stay strong guys


Wally And Sarah Hains

Admiring the unbelievable strength and determination. Keep fighting that good fight! Thinking of you guys.


Felicity Chick


Andrew Parkin



Jacqui Hilton

Thinking of you all, we know how hard this is for all of you. Xxx


Michael Dowling

I couldn’t imagine going through what you’re going through Duggs! Best wishes mate and well done Steph for organising!


Ross & Dawn Morgan

Go Steph this brings you to your target We would be there having a coffee with you if we could ! Love to you all xxfrom us both


Catherine Robertson

Love and prayers are with you Ben. Love Grandma 🙏 ❤️


Rodney Grima

Thinking of you all and our prayers are with you.


Joyce Jackson

All out love and support


Shae Ritchie

Love you always xx


Carmen Grima


Splosh Australia

Our thoughts are with you Ben, Steph & family. Sending strength and best wishes from all the Team at Splosh.


Justin And Sarah Russo

Have a wonderful big morning tea Steph! Sarah, Justin and Lily Russo - Canberra xx


Amanda Macqueen


Melissa Handrinos



Sleep Corp


Aaron Starling

Best wishes guys stay strong 💪


Claire Hassen

Sending strength & best wishes to your family x Claire


Jamie Challita

Sending love to you all during this time ♥️


Christine Connolly

Love you both xx


Jarrah Lo Monaco


Vanessa Pollett

Lots of love and big hugs to you all ❤️


Angela Grima

Sending all our love and prayers to you all xo❤️ 🙏


Kate Flegg


Mary Gaddie

This is such an important cause xxx


Kate H-s

Thinking of you Duggans ❤️


Melissa Cheong

Sending you all our love and best wishes. Mel, Dean and Henry xx


Ross And Monique

We LOVE you guys🤍🤍


Kumutat Family

Ben started in our lives ad our soccer coach and quickly became a friend not only to me but my 2 boys Lockie & Aiden.


Michelle Ryan

Happy to help such a deserving and beautiful family


Stephanie Duggan

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